Transcatheter aortic valve intervention in patients with cancer

Compared with surgical aortic valve replacement, major adverse events are generally lower in patients with cancer undergoing transcatheter aortic valve intervention (TAVI), especially in those with history of mediastinal XRT. Similar procedural and short-to-intermediate TAVI outcomes have been observed in patients with cancer as compared with no cancer, whereas long-term outcomes are dependent on cancer survival. Considerable heterogeneity exists between cancer subtypes and stage, with worse outcomes observed in those with active and advanced-stage disease as well as specific cancer subtypes. Procedural management in patients with cancer poses unique challenges and thus requires periprocedural expertise and close collaboration with the referring oncology team. The decision to ultimately pursue TAVI involves a multidisciplinary and holistic approach in assessing the appropriateness of intervention. Further clinical trial and registry studies are needed to better appreciate outcomes in this population.


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