Newspaper «Cardiology today»

Newspaper «Cardiology today»

Quarterly scientific newspaper "Cardiology Today" is published in conjunction with the Publishing House "ABC-press".

The newspaper publishes materials about modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases: lectures, reviews, discussions, the results of clinical trials and successful examples of the practice of modern technology therapies and medicines, comments by leading Russian and foreign experts, reports on significant activities in cardiology, clinical review recommendations of leading Russian, European and American communities (Сardioprogress, CSC, ESC, EAS, ESH, AHA, ACC).

The addressed spreading is free in Russia and the CIS countries (Ministry of Health of the republics and regions, city health committees, medical universities, research institutes and specialized medical institutions, hospitals in Russia and CIS).

Target readership: cardiologists, internists, neurologists, endocrinologists.

The newspaper is published in both Russian and English (special issues) languages.

The newspaper is registered by the Ministry for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Communications of Russian Federation 11.12.2012 (PI № FS 77-52147).

Publication of scientific materials and articles for authors free of charge.

Circulation is 10000 copies. Published in Russia.


Адрес фонда «Кардиопрогресс» и редакции: 127106, Россия, Москва, Гостиничный пр., 6, стр. 2, оф. 213
Телефон редакции: +7 (965) 236-1600
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Письма в редакцию отправлять по адресу: Мамедов Мехман, заместитель главного редактора:


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