
Aspirin is linked with increased risk of heart failure
Aspirin is linked with increased risk of heart failure Aspirin use is associated with a 26% raised risk of heart failure in people with at least one predisposing factor for the condition. That’s the finding of a study published today in ESC Heart Failure, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Depression worsened during pandemic, boosting heart disease risk, experts warn
Depression worsened during pandemic, boosting heart disease risk, experts warn It may translate into another long-term effect of the coronavirus crisis — more heart disease cases even in people who never had COVID-19 at all. More than one-third of patients studied reported becoming depressed or experiencing continued symptoms of depression during the first year of the pandemic.

Longer Sleep Improves Cardiovascular Outcomes: Time to Make Sleep a Priority
Longer Sleep Improves Cardiovascular Outcomes: Time to Make Sleep a Priority Causal diagrams demonstrating potential relationships between genetic causes (G) of sleep duration, sleep duration (S), and a cardiovascular outcome (Y). (A) G is a valid instrumental variable for the relationship of S and Y, and can be used to estimated the S–Y association (orange arrow). (B) G has a pleiotropic association with Y. Because there are no unmeasured confounders (U) of the S–Y association, causal mediation analysis can be used to estimate both the direct (pleiotropic) association of G and Y, and the indirect effect via S. (C) The pleiotropic effect of G on Y can be measured by blocking the pathway through S, which is done by conditioning on levels of S. (D) The effect of S on Y independently of G can be measured by blocking pathways through G and C (measured confounders) by conditioning or using matching methods.

Medscape and ACC Centers of Excellence
Medscape and ACC Centers of Excellence The ACC has collaborated with Medscape to create two Centers of Excellence on the topics of Cardiovascular Risk Reduction and Heart Failure.

AHA Scientific Sessions 2020 and the Resuscitation Science Symposium 2020!
AHA Scientific Sessions 2020 and the Resuscitation Science Symposium 2020! Welcome to AHA Scientific Sessions 2020 and the Resuscitation Science Symposium (RESS) 2020!

World Heart Day 2021
World Heart Day 2021 World Heart Day is a global health campaign. Its main task is to raise awareness about diseases of the cardiovascular system, the reasons for their occurrence and how to prevent them. For the first time, cardiologists at an international congress in 2012 announced the need to establish a holiday. Then, in the presence of world leaders, shocking numbers were announced. More than 18 million people die from cardiovascular diseases worldwide every year.

What's New in the AHA/ASA Secondary Stroke Prevention Guidelines?
What's New in the AHA/ASA Secondary Stroke Prevention Guidelines? Clinical Context Risk for recurrent stroke or TIA is high but can be lowered by appropriate secondary stroke prevention. As secondary stroke prevention strategies have improved in recent years, cohort studies have shown decreased rates of recurrent stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA).

ESC Congress 2021
ESC Congress 2021 ESC Congress is first and foremost a celebration of science. It's all about challenging and inspiring cardiovascular professionals to discover and deliver the best care possible to their patients. It’s widely regarded as THE annual cardiology event in the calendar.

Peripheral arterial disease - indications for intervention: from open surgery to endovascular and hybrid repair
Peripheral arterial disease - indications for intervention: from open surgery to endovascular and hybrid repair Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a marker of increased risk of СV mortality and limb loss. Staging of limb ischaemia severity, assessment of patient risk and knowledge of PAD anatomy are essential requirements to improve survival, reduce major cardiovascular events and to treat the ischaemic syndrome.

New Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Adult Overweight and Obesity
New Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Adult Overweight and Obesity Synopsis summarizes the key recommendations of the guideline regarding management of overweight and obesity, including referral to comprehensive lifestyle interventions that combine behavioral, dietary, and physical activity change, and additional tools of pharmacologic and procedural interventions.