
On behalf of Cardioprogress Foundation let us sincerely congratulate you with the World Heart Day!
On behalf of Cardioprogress Foundation let us sincerely congratulate you with the World Heart Day! On behalf of Cardioprogress Foundation let us sincerely congratulate you with the World Heart Day! World Heart Day is celebrated annually starting from 1999, more than in 100 countries around the globe in the last Sunday of September. And in 2011, the World Heart Day. And from 2011 it has its own confirmed date- the 29th of September. Events, that take place during the World Heart Day are attract attention to the problem of cardiovascular diseases, it"s the world"s biggest intervention against these conditions. It’s utterly important to show the world the importance of healthy life style, and the influence of bad habits on the cardiovascular system.

Trump Pick for CMS Would Ease Up on Physicians
Trump Pick for CMS Would Ease Up on Physicians Seema Verma, MPH, President Donald Trump"s choice to head the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), has mixed feelings about electronic health record (EHR) systems. It"s just one example of how she"s on the same page with many physicians regarding healthcare. "My doctor…is staring at her computer instead of looking at me," the healthcare policy consultant told the US Senate Committee on Finance during her confirmation hearing yesterday. Verma"s comment came in response to a question about the future of the CMS incentive program for meaningful use of EHRs, much criticized by physicians for turning them into data entry clerks. She also recounted seeing signs in physician waiting rooms that apologized for schedule delays due to EHR implementation. Yet another tech challenge she cited was the lack of EHR interoperability, which prevents different programs from freely exchanging data.

Mediterranean Diet With Olive Oil Boosted HDL Function?
Mediterranean Diet With Olive Oil Boosted HDL Function? More research suggests that a Mediterranean-style diet supplemented with either virgin olive oil or mixed nuts enhances the function of HDL cholesterol[1]. In a subset of 296 patients at high risk of heart disease in thePREDIMED study, cholesterol efflux capacity (CEC), the first step in reverse cholesterol transport, was significantly increased at 1 year compared with baseline in those advised to eat a Mediterranean diet rich in virgin olive oil (VOO) (P=0.018) or mixed nuts (P=0.013) rather than a reduced-fat diet.

International Heart and Vascular Disease Journal-Issues
International Heart and Vascular Disease Journal-Issues International Heart and Vascular Disease Journal