Main news

                                    PRESS RELEASE OF THE CARDIOPROGRESS FOUNDATION

                  Main results of the XI International Forum

                     for Cardiology and Internal Medicine

New Score Predicts Risk for Death on Heart Transplant List
New Score Predicts Risk for Death on Heart Transplant List Allocation score, called the US candidate risk score (US-CRS), outperformed the current therapy-based 6-status system in rank ordering heart transplant candidates by medical urgency.

Near-Death Experiences During CPR: An Impetus for Better Care
Near-Death Experiences During CPR: An Impetus for Better Care If someone has been in cardiac arrest for 10 minutes, the brain is permanently damaged and there's nothing to do, right? Not so according to emerging evidence that suggests that the brain shows signs of electrical recovery for as long as an hour into ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This time between cardiac arrest and awakening can be a period of vivid experiences for the dying patient before they return to life — a phenomenon known as "recalled death."

Editorial Activity

cardiology book

The international activities of the Cardioprogress Foundation are expanding
The international activities of the Cardioprogress Foundation are expanding The Cardioprogress Foundation expands its international activities. A register of 7 thousand experts and an opinion of leaders from 46 countries of the world has been created.

Innovative technologies in medicine. International Congress DATS 2023 (Baku, Azerbaijan)
Innovative technologies in medicine. International Congress DATS 2023 (Baku, Azerbaijan) From June 17 to June 22, 2023, the International Congress DATS 2023 was held in the capital of Azerbaijan in Baku, organized by the Tabib (State Administration for Medical Territorial Services of Azerbaijan).

WHO Advises Against Nonsugar Sweeteners for Weight Control
WHO Advises Against Nonsugar Sweeteners for Weight Control A new guideline from the World Health Organization (WHO) on nonsugar sweeteners (NSSs) recommends not using them to control weight or reduce the risk for diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. These sweeteners include aspartame, acesulfame K, advantame, saccharine, sucralose, stevia, and stevia derivatives.

Keynote presentation «T2DM and Coronary Heart Disease». Prof Mamedov Mekhman
Keynote presentation «T2DM and Coronary Heart Disease». Prof Mamedov Mekhman On May 24-25, 2023, the anniversary International Heart Congress in a hybrid regime was held in Tokyo (Japan). Speakers from 25 countries of the world took part in the scientific program. The key presentation by Professor Mekhman Mamedov (Moscow, Russia) was devoted to the features of coronary artery revascularization and life prognosis in patients with diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease. The lecture covered issues on the prevalence of diabetes in the world, the relationship with cardiovascular diseases and the prevention of complications.

European Associations Review Dietary Therapies for Obesity
European Associations Review Dietary Therapies for Obesity The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) have published a position statement to provide an update on evidence-based options for the medical nutrition therapy of obesity. The statement is intended for health professionals and policymakers.

Expert Discusses Which Diets Are Best, Based on the Evidence
Expert Discusses Which Diets Are Best, Based on the Evidence Primary care providers can draw from a wide range of diets to give patients evidence-based advice on how to lose weight, prevent diabetes, and achieve other health goals, according to a speaker at the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians (San Diego).

New ASE Guideline on Interventional Echocardiography Training
New ASE Guideline on Interventional Echocardiography Training The American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) has issued guidance on all critical aspects of training for cardiology and anesthesiology trainees and postgraduate echocardiographers who plan to specialize in interventional echocardiography (IE).

Celebrate World Health Day 2023 and WHO 75th Anniversary
Celebrate World Health Day 2023 and WHO 75th Anniversary On World Health Day, 7 April 2023, the World Health Organization celebrates its 75th anniversary.In 1948, countries of the world came together and founded WHO to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable, so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health and well-being.